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Exploring the Depths: The Importance of Underwater Acoustics

Updated: Jun 10

Underwater Acoustic Monitoring Device
Underwater Acoustic Monitoring

At A&I Acoustic Venture, we offer Expert Solutions and Consultancy in Underwater Acoustics, covering a comprehensive range of services designed to propel your projects forward. Explore the world of acoustics with us, from underwater acoustic surveys to environmental impact assessments. Our services are tailored to navigate the depths of innovation. Explore our range of offerings:

Underwater Acoustics Services in Ireland and the UK

• Underwater Noise Monitoring

• Sonar System Design and Installation

• Hydrophone Deployment and Data Collection

• Underwater Acoustic Modelling

• Underwater Acoustic Signal Processing

• Underwater Acoustic Instrumentation

• Underwater Acoustic Consultancy

• Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Explore some of our scientific publications are listed below;

Operational Noise Associated with Underwater Sound Emitting Vessels and Potential Effect of Oceanographic Conditions: A Dublin Bay Port Area Study, Oshoke Wil Ikpekha; Journal of Marine Science and Technology, April 2017

Modelling the Propagation of Underwater Acoustic Signals of a Marine Energy Device using Finite Element Method, Oshoke Wil Ikpekha; Felipe Soberon; Stephen Daniels, Renewable Energy &Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ), April 2014

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